Where Is Tequila Made in Mexico?

Tequila is a popular drink that originates from Mexico. It is made from the blue agave plant and has a smooth flavor that many people enjoy. It is often enjoyed on its own, or in cocktails like the margarita.

Where is tequila made in Mexico? Tequila is only made in Jalisco, Mexico, plus a few municipalities in Guanajuato, Michoacan, Nayarit, and Tamaulipas. The tequila-producing region is known as the “Tequila Trail” and covers more than 30,000 hectares.

In this blog post we will cover where is tequila made in Mexico, reasons, how tequilas are made and some variations that are made in Mexico.

A Quick Look to Jalisco, Mexico

The state of Jalisco is located in west-central Mexico and is the birthplace of tequila. The Jalisco region is home to the blue agave plant, from which tequila is made.

The climate in Jalisco is hot and humid, with high rainfall levels. The landscape is rugged and mountainous, with fertile soils that are perfect for growing the blue agave plant.

The people of Jalisco are known for their love of music and dance. They also have a strong work ethic and are considered to be some of the most friendly and hospitable people in Mexico.

Jalisco is a popular tourist destination, thanks to its beautiful scenery, rich culture, and delicious food.

Capital: Guadalajara

Population: 12 million

Language: Spanish

Currency: Mexican peso


Reasons Why Tequila Is Made in Mexico

There are several reasons why tequila is made in Mexico and not elsewhere. 

Availability of Ingredients

Tequila is made from the blue agave plant, an ingredient that only grows in Mexico. The blue agave plant needs specific environmental conditions to flourish and cannot be grown anywhere else in the world.

The Jalisco region of Mexico has ideal growing conditions for the production of tequila. It has a hot climate and well-drained soil that is perfect for growing the blue agave plant.

The Environment of Mexico

Tequila is made in Mexico because of the unique environment and climate of the country. The Jalisco region has a hot, humid climate with high rainfall levels. This weather is perfect for growing the blue agave plant, which needs plenty of water to thrive.

The landscape of Mexico is also very rugged and mountainous, with fertile soils that are perfect for growing crops.

Strictness of Laws

Tequila is made in Mexico because of the strict laws that govern its production. The rules for making tequila are very specific and must be followed to the letter if you want to make a quality product. 

If these regulations were not so stringent, there would probably be many more producers around the world trying their hand at producing this drink.

Hardworking People

The people of Mexico are hardworking, and they take pride in their work. They want to keep this tradition alive by making sure that tequila is made in Mexico and not elsewhere around the world. 

Most importantly, they want to make sure that the tequila is of the highest quality possible.

Cultural Association

The culture of Mexico is closely associated with tequila. It’s a drink that has been consumed by Mexicans for centuries and it holds an important place in their history as well. So, it makes sense that this beverage would be made there instead of somewhere else around the world.

LEARN MORE: How Much Tequila To Margarita Mix?

How Tequila Is Made in Mexico

Now that you know some of the reasons why tequila is made in Mexico, let’s take a look at how it’s made. The process of making tequila is quite complex and involves several steps.

  • The first step is to harvest the blue agave plant. The plants are harvested when they are between seven and ten years old, and they must be harvested by hand.
  • The next step is to remove the leaves from the agave plant. This is done by using a special tool called a “coa.”
  • Once the leaves are removed, the heart of the plant is cut out and placed in an oven called a “horn.”
  • After cooking, the hearts of the plants are ground up and mixed with water to create a juice that will be fermented.
  • The juice is then placed in large fermentation tanks where it will sit for about three days.
  • Once it has been fermented, the juice is distilled into tequila.
  • The final step in the process is to age the tequila. This is done by storing it in wooden barrels for at least two months before bottling.

Tequila has been made in Mexico for centuries and continues to be a popular drink today. It’s no wonder why so many people want to know how their favorite beverage gets from field to bottle!

LEARN MORE: What Is Considered The Best Top-shelf Tequila?

Variations of Tequila Made in Mexico

There are many different variations of tequila made in Mexico. These include blanco (also known as silver), reposado, anejo and extra-añejos. All four types have unique qualities that make them stand out from one another.

Blanco- Blanco is the most popular type of tequila because it has a smooth taste without any bitterness at all! It’s also very affordable compared to other variations on this liquor.

Reposado- It tends to be darker than Blanco but still retains some sweetness while retaining its coloration.

Añejo- Añejo has a deep amber hue with hints of vanilla and oak flavors.

Extra-añejos – These are aged for two years or more, giving them an even darker coloration than the other types listed above!

You can also find many other variations of tequila made in Mexico, but these are just some examples to give you an idea about what is available out there.

LEARN MORE: What Happens When You Eat The Worm Served In Tequila?


As you can see, tequila is made in Mexico for several reasons. The people of this country are hardworking and take pride in their tradition of making this beverage.

Additionally, the culture of Mexico is closely associated with tequila. Finally, the process of making tequila is quite complex and involves several steps.

That’s why, if you want to enjoy the best possible tequila, it’s best to drink it where it was made- in Mexico!