Cucumber Vodka Tonic Recipe

Yep. It’s time for another cucumber cocktail. Because the cucumber gin martini and cucumber mint cocktail weren’t enough. This time, it’s a really easy cucumber vodka tonic recipe. And we know you’ll love it. But then again, how could you not? It has vodka in it

In case you haven’t heard this before, we are big fans of vodka here at One Martini. We love it in everything from jello shots to ice cream soda cocktails. We also like to make our own infused vodkas which is how this cucumber vodka tonic came to be.

I had the jar of cucumber infused vodka sitting on the shelf in the fridge. I also had a few bottles of Q Tonic water chilling in the fridge. At some point, the two came together in my vision and the thought occurred to put them together.

I realize this thought might have come to other people sooner but sometimes I’m a little slow when it comes to picking up clues. I’ll blame my children for this. I am around them almost all day, every day.

Anyway, a vodka tonic is such an easy drink to make. Add some vodka, top it with some tonic and add in a squeeze of lemon or lime. Oh, and ice – you need ice to keep it cold. But, with one change you can transform this drink.

Switching up the vodka changes the flavor. Switching the type of tonic used changes the flavor. Switching the citrus changes the flavor. Leaving the citrus out altogether changes the flavor. I think you get the hint. Or at least I hope you do.

So, using cucumber infused vodka in this drink gives it a wonderful cucumbery flavor. It’s refreshingly delicious and perfect after a long day at work.

Cucumber Vodka Tonic

How to make a cucumber vodka tonic with infused vodka.Serves: 1Ingredients

  • 2 ounces cucumber vodka
  • Tonic water
  • Lemon or lime wedge
  • Ice


  1. Fill a rocks glass with ice.
  2. Add vodka and top with tonic water.
  3. Squeeze in lemon or lime and then drop the squeezed wedge into the glass.